God says in the Qur’an thus:
you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those
before you that you may become righteous - The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the
Qur'an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion.
So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it…. (The Qur’an 2:183,185).
As the Qur’anic verse says, it is the month in
which the Qur’an was revealed. To express our gratitude to God we celebrate the
whole month by way of observing fasting. This, in turn, makes us patient and
pious. The end of Ramadan is marked by celebration
known as Eid-ul-Fitr or the festival of fast-breaking. We thank the Merciful
God for having given us the opportunity to experience the blessed month of
Ramadan. The day is accompanied by celebration, socializing, festive meals etc.
But before the festivities begin, every person, adult and child, must have
already contributed towards Zakat-ul-Fitr. This is the giving of a meal, or
cash equivalent, to a needy person to make sure that none are excluded from
this happy occasion.
What is the importance of QUR’AN?
The Qur’an is the holy book which Muslims recite
and turn to for guidance in all aspects of their life. It is the last testament
in a series of divine revelations from God. It comprises the unaltered and
direct words of God, revealed, to the final Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) through the
angel Jibreel (Gabriel) some 1400 years ago. It is sent to us as ‘The
Criterion’ to distinguish between right and wrong in our life on the basis of
which we will be judged on the Day of Judgment.
Is the QUR’AN
restricted to Muslims only?
No, it is a misconception prevailing among many
Muslims as well as non-Muslims. It is an undeniable fact that our Creator is
only One, Who has created us from a single pair of male and female. He had sent
His Messengers at different points of time in the past to different nations
with the same message.
What was
the message? It was this: ‘O people, be obedient to your Creator. If you lead a
life of obedience to Him you will be rewarded with eternal bliss and if you
disobey you will enter Hell’. (Arabic word for obedience is ‘Islam’. ‘Muslim’
is a person who is obedient to the Creator). In the long chain of Messengers,
the Last and Final Messenger of God is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who revived the
same message (of obedience to the Creator). The Holy Qur’an is the collection
of revelations sent to him from God. How can it be restricted to a group of
people? The above verse itself is a proof that it is addressed to the whole of
What is the message of
the Qur’an?
important message of the Qur’an can be briefed as:
1. Oneness
of mankind:
People are created equal in front
of the Law of God. There is no superiority for one race over another. God made
us of different colors, nationalities, languages and beliefs so as to test who
is going to be better than others. No one can claim that he is better than
others. It is only God Who knows who is better. It depends on piety and
mankind! We have created you from male and female and have made you nations and
tribes that you may know each other. The
noblest of you in the sight of God is the most
righteous (Qur’an 49:13)
2. Oneness
of God
Only Almighty God Who is
the Creator and Cherisher of this world deserves worship and not His creations.
We are asked to worship Him directly without any intercessors. Worshipping any
of His creations, making figures for Him, associating anything or anybody in
worship with Him etc. are false and are considered major sins as it
contaminates the real belief in God and causes spread of evils in the world.
‘Say (O
Prophet): Allah is one and the only. He is absolute. He neither begets nor was
He begotten. There is none comparable to Him.’ (The Qur’an 112:1-4)
is an Arabic word that means “The one who is worthy of worship”. In simple term
Allah means in Arabic ‘The God’ In Hindi we say Ishwar, in Kannada we say
Devaru, and in Arabic we say Allah.)
3. Accountability
of deeds and life after death:
The present world is a temporary one and we are
answerable for our deeds. One day, the whole world will be destroyed. Again God
will resurrect us in order to judge our performance here. That is called the
Day of Judgment. Depending upon the weight of our good and bad deeds we will be
sent to Paradise or Hell. That will be our
eternal abode.
To convey the above
message, God selects good souls among men and appoints them as His messengers.
They preach the message they receive from God and live as role models for their
people. The last one in this chain of messengers is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Earlier prophets were sent to specific regions, but Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is
sent for the whole world.
5. Innocence
of Man at Birth:
People are born free of sin. It is only after they reach the age of puberty
and it is only after they commit sins that are to be charged for their
mistakes. No one is responsible for or can take the responsibility for the sins
of others. However, the door to forgiveness through true repentance is always
The distinctive approach
of the Qur’an is that its spiritual message includes practical injunctions
aimed at the general welfare of human beings, society and the environment in
which we live. The Qur’an’s message is eternal and universal, transcending our
differences in race, color, ethnicity and nationality. It provides guidance on
every aspect of human life – from economics and the ethics of trade to
marriage, divorce, gender issues, inheritance and parenting. It neither
condemns nor tortures the flesh nor does it neglect the soul. It does not
humanize God, nor does it deify man. The Qur’an describes signs of God’s
existence in the universe and how everything is carefully placed in the total
scheme of creation.
Dear brothers and
sisters! Thus, the Holy Qur’an has come as a mercy from God for the whole of
mankind. Irrespective of the religion in which we are born, we are all
cherished by our Merciful Lord. The bounties we enjoy every second in our body
and around are boundless. Is it not our duty to show our gratitude to Him? How
do we express this gratitude? Yes, The Qur’an shows the way… It calls all of us
to lead a life of obedience to our Lord and thus achieve peace here and in the
hereafter. In this very month, while celebrating the receipt of His Gift, let
us commit ourselves to sincerely serving Him.