Sunday, November 15, 2015

Way To Establish Peace

The meaning of the word Islam is peace. Another meaning is obedience. To achieve peace in personal and societal life through obedience to the Creator is the principle proposed by Islam. Upholding moral values, ethics and maintaining discipline in personal life and thus in the society is very much essential in order to establish peace and justice in the world. People should dedicate themselves to achieve this goal.
While a group of people work towards this aim, it is quite natural that those rulers, intermediaries who live upon exploiting the people through injustice and immoral means in the society will stand against them and oppose their movement. To protect their evil interests, they will instigate the ignorant masses and turn them against those good souls by spreading lies and false propaganda. They will use all possible means to oppress those good people and their followers in order to wipe them out of their country. 
In such a situation, how should the people of the mission to establish peace work to achieve their goal?
A study of history of the messengers of God, particularly the life history of the last messenger Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), reveals us certain important and wise steps to be followed by the aspirants to establish peace on earth which can never be ignored.

The messengers of God were sent to different parts of the world at different periods of time. They found their respective nations living in turmoil amidst superstitions in the name of religions, idol worship, tribal wars, treachery, injustice, enmity, exploitation, immorality etc. under the influence of Satan. They admonished the people against the evils they were committing to their own selves and against each other. They warned the oppressors and exploiters, against the excesses they were committing on others with punishment of God. Also they gave good tidings to those who do good.  
The messengers reformed the people gradually by reminding them about the oneness of mankind and oneness of God and their answerability to Him. They freed their respective people from superstitions. They taught the people to directly worship God without formalities and intermediaries. As a result of this they started ignoring the intermediaries and ruling class who were exploiting them in the name of religion. Realising the harm done to their selfish interests, the exploiters extensively oppressed the messengers and their followers to force them to stop their movement. They also instigated the ignorant masses against those good souls. They faced killings, social boycott, tortures and other oppressions.


The main mission of messengers of God was to reform the people by reminding them three basic truths which they often forget under the influence of Satan.
1.    Oneness of mankind: The whole mankind is one which has originated from one couple. All human beings, irrespective of their race, color, nation, tribe, language etc belong to the same family.
2.     Oneness of God:The universe and its contents are created, cherished and sustained by God Almighty and He is One and the only One. Man has to live in obedience to Him. Strictly He alone deserves our worship. Attributing godhood to anything else other than Him is a major sin as it negatively affects the God-consciousness and thus leads to dissemination of sins in the society.
3.    Answerability to God: The present temporary world is for testing man of his obedience to God and thus man is answerable to God for his deeds. One day the whole world will be destroyed and the Day of Judgment will be established. The obedient will be rewarded with paradise of eternal bliss and the disobedient will be punished in hell fire.
    Along with the above teachings the prophets taught people acts of worship like prayer, giving alms, fasting etc. to keep them steadfast in the religion. They lived among them, freely mingling with them and stood as role models for their respective nations. Thus they demonstrated how to establish dharma on earth by following God's guidance.

      When we study the life incidents of the prophets as mentioned in the Holy Quran and the traditions of the last messenger of God, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) we can learn some important lessons which are applicable at all the times. If we adopt them sincerely we can restore peace in the world.
       Some of the important lessons from the history of messengers of God for those people or groups who are keen to work for establishing peace on earth can be briefed as follows:

11.    Strengthen your own belief in God and the life hereafter by gaining more knowledge and reasoning. Practice yourself first the obedience to God (ie. in arabic Islam) with steadfastness.
2.    Maintain close relationship with God almighty and seek his help through patience and prayers. One can gain closeness to God by prayer, remembrance of God, fasting etc.
3.  Reform people by reminding them the above facts of life in a gentle and compassionate way. Stand with them in their distress.
4.  Understand that the opposition, threats and oppression from the exploiters of people will naturally arise once the people start reforming.
5.    Maintain patience and perseverance against the oppression keeping in mind we are observed by our Lord who is going to reward us with Paradise.
6.    Seek guidance through His revelations and the tradition of the messenger of God.
7.    Do not treat fellow human beings as enemies even if they show enmity towards us. The real enemy is the Satan who influences them.
8.    Way to establish peace on earth is not by elimination of people but by reformation of them.
9.    Do not disturb the reformation process by expressing your anger or impatience against the acts of the ignorant masses and the oppressors.
10.    If practicing Islam becomes difficult at any place where preaching is carried out, then emigrate to a place where you can practice at ease. But never retaliate to the oppressors  
11.    Do not forget the fact that Islam is the reformation policy for human beings and any one, irrespective of his race, color, country, tribe, language etc., can adopt this policy to reform himself.
12. Those who join this movement should never alienate themselves as a separate sect and treat others as their enemies.