Friday, October 26, 2018


Hubble’s Law

For thousands of years, astronomers wrestled with basic questions concerning the universe.  Until the early 1920’s, it was believed that the universe had always been in existence; also, that the size of the universe was fixed and not changing.  However, in 1912, the American astronomer, Vesto Slipher, made a discovery that would soon change astronomers’ beliefs about the universe.  Slipher, noticed that the galaxies were moving away from earth at huge velocities.  These observations provided the first evidence supporting the expanding-universe theory.[1]


Before the invention of the telescope in 1608, man could do little more than wonder about the origin of the universe. (Courtesy: NASA)


In 1916, Albert Einstein formulated his General Theory of Relativity that indicated that the universe must be either expanding or contracting.  Confirmation of the expanding-universe theory finally came in 1929 in the hands of the well known American astronomer Edwin Hubble.

By observing redshifts[2] in the light wavelengths emitted by galaxies, Hubble found that galaxies were not fixed in their position; instead, they were actually moving away from us with speeds proportional to their distance from earth (Hubble's Law).  The only explanation for this observation was that the universe had to be expanding.  Hubble’s discovery is regarded as one of the greatest in the history of astronomy.  In 1929, he published the velocity-time relation which is the basis of modern cosmology.  In the years to come, with further observations, the expanding-universe theory was accepted by scientists and astronomers alike.


See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

With the Hooker Telescope, Hubble discovered that the galaxies were moving away us.  Above are photos of known galaxies.  (Courtesy: NASA)


Yet, astonishingly well before telescopes were even invented and well before Hubble published his Law, Prophet Muhammad used to recite a verse of the Quran to his companions that ultimately stated that the universe is expanding.

“And the heaven We created with might, and indeed We are (its) expander.” (Quran 51:47)

At the time of the revelation of the Quran, the word “space” was not known, and people used the word “heaven” to refer to what lies above the Earth.  In the above verse, the word “heaven” is referring to space and the known universe.  The verse points out that space, and thus the universe, happens to be expanding, just as Hubble’s Law states.

That the Quran mentioned such a fact centuries before the invention of the first telescope, at a time when there was primitive knowledge in science, is considered remarkable.  This is more so considering that, like many people in his time, Prophet Muhammad happened to be illiterate and simply could not have been aware of such facts by himself.  Could it be that he had truly received divine revelation from the Creator and Originator of the universe?

The Big Bang Theory

Soon after Hubble published his theory, he went on to discover that not only were galaxies moving away from the Earth, but were also moving away from one another.  This meant that the universe happened to be expanding in every direction, in the same way a balloon expands when filled with air.  Hubble’s new findings placed the foundations for the Big Bang theory.

The Big Bang theory states that around 12-15 billion years ago the universe came into existence from one single extremely hot and dense point, and that something triggered the explosion of this point that brought about the beginning of the universe.  The universe, since then, has been expanding from this single point.  

Later, in 1965, radio astronomers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson made a Noble Prize winning discovery that confirmed the Big Bang theory.  Prior to their discovery, the theory implied that if the single point from which the universe came into existence was initially extremely hot, then remnants of this heat should be found.  This remnant heat is exactly what Penzias and Wilson found.  In 1965, Penzias and Wilson discovered a 2.725 degree Kelvin Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB) that spreads through the universe.  Thus, it was understood that the radiation found was a remnant of the initial stages of the Big Bang.  Presently, the Big Bang theory is accepted by the vast majority of scientists and astronomers.


Cosmic Background Explorer Data

A microwave map of the leftover from the Big Bang that gave birth to the universe. (Courtesy: NASA)


It is mentioned in the Quran:

“He (God) is the Originator of the heavens and the earth…” (Quran 6:101)

“Is not He who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the likes of them?  Yes; and He is the Knowing Creator. His command is only when He intends a thing that He says to it, ‘Be,’ and it is.” (Quran 36:81-82)

The above verses prove that the universe had a beginning, that God was behind its creation, and all that God needs to do inorder to create is to say “Be,” and it is.  Could this be an explanation as to what triggered off the explosion that brought about the beginning of the universe?

The Quran also mentions:

“Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, then We separated them, and made from water every living thing?  Then will they not believe?” (Quran 21:30)

Muslim scholars who have explained the previous verse mention that the heavens and earth were once one, and then God caused them to separate and form into the seven heavens and Earth.  Yet, due to the limitations of science and technology at the time of the revelation of the Quran (and for centuries to follow), no scholar was able to give much detail about how exactly the heavens and earth were created.  What the scholars could explain was the precise meaning of each word in Arabic in the verse, as well as the overall meaning of the verse.

In the previous verse, the Arabic words ratq and fataq are used.  The word ratqcan be translated into “entity” “sewn to” “joined together” or “closed up”.  The meaning of these translations all circulate around something that is mixed and that has a separate and distinct existence.  The verb fataq is translated into “We unstitched” “We clove them asunder” “We separated” or “We have opened them”.  These meanings imply that something comes into being by an action of splitting or tearing apart.  The sprouting of a seed from the soil is a good example of a similar illustration of the meaning of the verb fataq.

With the introduction of the Big Bang theory, it soon became clear to Muslim scholars that the details mentioned with regards to the theory go identically hand in hand with the description of the creation of the universe in verse 30 of chapter 21 of the Quran.  The theory states that all the matter in the universe came into existence from one single extremely hot and dense point; that exploded and brought about the beginning of the universe, matches what is mentioned in the verse that the heaven and Earth (thus the universe) where once joined together, and  then split apart.  Once again, the only possible explanation is that Prophet Muhammad had truly received divine revelation from God, The Creator and Originator of the universe.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Solution to victims of #MeToo

For the information of the victims of #Metoo, past and present...
Whatever the sinful acts committed by men or women involved on and off the screen are fully available on records. Nothing has vanished! 
Are you wondering how are the acts which are done off the screen got recorded? 
Yes, they are recorded with the hidden cameras and sensors embedded on your body.. 
Your eyes, ears, and skin carry them and they are not at all erasable! 
If in doubt please refer to the following verses of Qur'an:

And, the Day when the enemies of Allah will be gathered to the Fire while they are [driven] assembled in rows, Until, when they reach it, their hearing and their eyes and their skins will testify against them of what they used to do. And they will say to their skins, "Why have you testified against us?" They will say, "We were made to speak by Allah, who has made everything speak; and He created you the first time, and to Him, you are returned. And you were not covering yourselves, lest your hearing testify against you or your sight or your skins, but you assumed that Allah does not know much of what you do. (Quran 41:19-22)
(Meaning of the word Allah is 'One and the only One God who deserves worship') 

When will the justice be done?
 The grievance of victims may or may not be addressed here in the courts available now. But it will be definitely addressed on the Day of Judgement according to Quran:  
"Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion." (Quran 3:185)

Can you say little more convincingly?
Yes, if you ponder over the complex structure of this vast universe and realize man’s insignificant status here you will definitely realize that the temporary life we live now is with a purpose as conveyed by the Messengers of God and the Holy Scriptures sent through them. They teach us that the whole world will come to an end one day. All the human beings, right from the first man to the last will be brought back to life (Resurrection) on the Day of Judgment and will be questioned for their deeds. People who have done good deeds and lived a life in accordance with God’s command will receive a reward and people who have disobeyed God will be punished. The reward will be Heaven and the punishment will be Hell. The life in Heaven and Hell will be eternal and never-ending.

What are good deeds and what are bad?

For the peaceful existence of mankind in this world, God Almighty has commanded us to do certain things and they are known as good deeds (Punya) and God has banned us from certain other deeds and they are known as bad deeds (paapa). They can be learned from the Holy scriptures sent by Him and from the teachings of His Messengers.  Latest in the serial of Messengers of God, to come to this world, is Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Holy scripture sent through him is the Holy Quran.

Is adultery a sin according to Quran?
As per the above resources, the Master of the universe prescribes behavioral code for both men and women. Purpose of it is to protect society as a whole and promote modest behavior. It creates a barrier between the sexes and allows us to conduct our lives with modesty, dignity, and respect.  Any violation of this codes creates havoc, immorality, and disorder in the society, and hence punishable by Him (God).
= As per the behavioral code, the free mingling of women with men, other than the close relatives like the husband, father, brother, son, uncle etc., is prohibited.
= The sexual relationship is allowed only between husband (male) and wife (female).
= Any male-female sexual relationship beyond marriage bonds is strictly prohibited and hence severely punishable by God Almighty.
= Any kind of meeting, chatting, mingling or caressing with any stranger of opposite sex in privacy or even in public is illicit.
= It is also one of the responsibilities of the state to punish, in front of the public, the culprits who commit adultery and theft.

What is the punishment for the violators?
The violation, as we are aware, will ruin discipline in the family life and in the society and currupt the morality of people. But the transgressors may or may not get affected by the evil effects of their violation in this world. But they are sure to be caught for their offence on the Day of Judgment. 
The Holy Quran says: "So whoever does an atom’s weight of good, will see it; and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it (too)." (Quran 99: 7, 8)
On that day every small and big offense will be exposed.  The very parts of body will speak against the offenders!
= That Day, We will seal over their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify about what they used to earn. (Quran 36:65)

After weighing the deeds, Hell will be awarded for sinners and Paradise, for the people who followed God’s path. To know what Hell and Paradise are, go through the Holy Quran, the last revelation from God Almighty. For example please read the verses below:

= Indeed, Hell has been lying in wait for the transgressors, a place of return, in which they will remain for ages [unending]. They will not taste therein [any] coolness or drink except scalding water and [foul] purulence -An appropriate recompense. (Quran 78:21-26)

And say, "The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe, and whoever wills - let him disbelieve." Indeed, We have prepared for the wrongdoers a fire whose walls will surround them. And if they call for relief, they will be relieved with water like murky oil, which scalds [their] faces. Wretched is the drink, and evil is the resting place. (Quran 18:29) 

How are the righteous rewarded? 
As for those who had led a life of discipline as commanded by God, they will be in eternal bliss…
Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds - indeed, We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds. Those will have gardens of perpetual residence; beneath them, rivers will flow. They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and will wear green garments of fine silk and brocade, reclining therein on adorned couches. Excellent is the reward, and good is the resting place. (Quran 18:30,31)  
Is there any chance for the sinners to get their sins forgiven?
Yes, Definitely God almighty is Oft-forgiving and most merciful. He accepts all sincere repentance from His slaves.  
= Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful." (Qur'an 3953)

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Who created the Creator?

Muslims believe in the Absolute Oneness of God, Who is a Supreme Being free of human limitations, needs and wants. He has no partners in His Divinity. He is the Creator of everything and is completely separate from His creation, and all worship is to be directed towards Him alone.
as a Muslim i believe :
1. Allah/God the Creator is One
2. Allah/God is the First with no beginning and the Last with no end. Everything in the universe was created by His will. He is not confined by space or time and He is the only One who is in control and provides for His creation.
3. Allah/God alone is the Almighty, the Creator, the Sovereign, and the Sustainer of everything in the whole universe. He manages all affairs. He stands in need of none of His creatures, and all His creatures depend on Him for all that they need.
4. Allah/God is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing, and the All-Knowing. In a perfect manner, His knowledge encompasses all things, the open and the secret, and the public and the private. He knows what has happened, what will happen, and how it will happen.
5. Allah/God is the Self-existent Who was not given life, cannot be caused to die or brought back to life by anyone else.
God is eternal, without beginning or end, and is thus a Unique Being who has no equal. see Quran Chapter 112.
In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
(( 1. Say, “He is God, the One.
2. God, the Absolute.
3. He begets not, nor was He begotten.
4. And there is nothing comparable to Him.” ))
This is a clear statement by God describing Himself to humanity without any room for confusion. God is One and is exalted above everything He creates.
This chapter of the Quran is about the oneness of God. The concept of God has been presented here in its purest form, ridding it of all polluting associations which people of every age have brought to it. There is no plurality of gods. There is only one God. All are dependent upon Him, but He is not dependent on anybody. He Himself has power over everything. He is far above being the progeny of anybody or having any offspring. He is such a unique being that there is nobody like Him or equal to Him in any manner whatsoever.
The doctrine of God’s pure unity, or The Divine oneness, is clearly stated here: God is not many , He is only One. Everyone is in need of Him ,but He is not in need of anyone. He reigns over all things of the heavens and the earth. Unlike human beings , He has no son or father. He is eternal ,without beginning or end, and is thus a Unique Being who has no equal.
This Chapter has been called the essence of the Quran. The prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, once described this Chapter as
“ equivalent to one-third of the whole Quran ”{ Bukhari and Muslim }
6. Allah/God is the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and the Most Beneficent.
If someone wants something from God, he or she can ask God directly without asking anyone else to intercede with God for him or her.
7. Who created God the creator?answer : one of the characteristics of the creator itself is that he is not created…If the creator was created it automatically means it’s not the creator. the creator is eternal, without beginning or end.
{ He begets not, nor was He begotten } 112:3
The names and attributes of God include the “Life-giver” and “Death-causer”. The Lord and Creator of this universe surely has the ability to cause His Creatures to die and bring them back to life just as He had already created them. It is He Who gives life to others, causes them to die and brings them back to life. Moreover, He is the Self-existent Who was not given life, cannot be caused to die or brought back to life by anyone else. as a Muslim i believe :
- God is One
- God is eternal, without beginning or end, and is thus a Unique Being who has no equal.
Fully accepting the oneness of God is to accept that He is distinct from everything else. It would not suit God’s majesty and glory to associate the limited attributes of His creation to Him because He is not restricted in any way, while His creation is. He is the First with no beginning and the Last with no end. Everything in the universe was created by His will. He is not confined by space or time and He is the only One who is in control and provides for His creation.
By definition creation is in need of a creator. For created beings to exist they must have a creator to bring them into existence.
You Alone we worship, and you Alone we ask for help )
The Quran 1:5–6
the primary pillar of Islamic belief clearly states that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah/God. Associating partners with God or attributing qualities of lesser beings to Him is considered to be the greatest sin in Islam.
No one has the right to be invoked, supplicated, prayed to, or shown any act of worship, but God alone. God alone is the Almighty, the Creator, the Sovereign, and the Sustainer of everything in the whole universe. He manages all affairs. He stands in need of none of His creatures, and all His creatures depend on Him for all that they need. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing, and the All-Knowing. In a perfect manner, His knowledge encompasses all things, the open and the secret, and the public and the private. He knows what has happened, what will happen, and how it will happen. No affair occurs in the whole world except by His will. Whatever He wills is, and whatever He does not will is not and will never be. His will is above the will of all the creatures. He has power over all things, and He is able to do everything. He is the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and the Most Beneficent. In one of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad , we are told that God is more merciful to His creatures than a mother to her child. God is far removed from injustice and tyranny. He is All-Wise in all of His actions and decrees. If someone wants something from God, he or she can ask God directly without asking anyone else to intercede with God for him or her.
Allah, God knows best.

Surah al-Ikhlas : Monotheism

Surah al-Ikhlas Monotheism is the Chapter 112 of The Noble Quran.

Surah Al-Ikhlas

Al-Ikhlas is the Surah 112 of The Noble Quran with 4 verses.
Surah Al-Ikhlas in Arabic @fatimakarimms
Surah Al-Ikhlas in English :
In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
1. Say, “He is God, the One.
2. God, the Absolute.
3He begets not, nor was He begotten.
4. And there is nothing comparable to Him.”
This is a clear statement by God describing Himself to humanity without any room for confusion. God is One and is exalted above everything He creates.
This chapter of the Quran is about the oneness of God. The concept of God has been presented here in its purest form, ridding it of all polluting associations which people of every age have brought to it. There is no plurality of gods. There is only one God. All are dependent upon Him, but He is not dependent on anybody. He Himself has power over everything. He is far above being the progeny of anybody or having any offspring. He is such a unique being that there is nobody like Him or equal to Him in any manner whatsoever.
The doctrine of God’s pure unity, or The Divine oneness, is clearly stated here: God is not many , He is only One. Everyone is in need of Him ,but He is not in need of anyone. He reigns over all things of the heavens and the earth. Unlike human beings , He has no son or father. He is eternal ,without beginning or end, and is thus a Unique Being who has no equal.
This Chapter has been called the essence of the Quran. The prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, once described this Chapter as
“ equivalent to one-third of the whole Quran ”{ Bukhari and Muslim }
al-akhir The Last is one of the 99 names of Allah :
  • The One who remains after all of creation has passed away.
  • The One who is the last, the conclusion, the ultimate.
  • The One who is behind all of creation.
  • The One beyond whom there is nothing.
  • The One who remains after all of creation has passed away.
{ He is the First and the Last, the Outward and the Inward. He has knowledge of all things } The Quran 57:3 {via}
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