Thursday, September 26, 2019

Quran- Healing - 10 facts you must know

In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. If we or our children, or those who are close to us suddenly get sick, normal life gets affected. We lose peace of mind. If we understand and act upon certain basic facts and act accordingly, we can relieve ourselves from the physical, mental, and material loss that the disease brings. Holy Qur’an, the latest revelation from our Creator, reminds us of the following facts that must be borne in mind during illness: 1. Disease is a warning: In the midst of busy life, man forgets about God, the Creator and Cherisher of him and the true purpose of human life. Disease acts as a warning from God in order to make him realize those facts of life and bring him to normality. 2. Let us know our Creator: When we become ill, it is of prime importance to know our Creator and His attributes. In the Qur’an, God say thus: = “Say: "He, Allah, is One, Allah, the Eternal, He begets not, nor is He begotten, And there is none like unto Him.”(Quran 112: 1-4) (The word Allah means the only Lord worthy of worship.) That is, God, unlike His creations, is alone, independent of anything, beyond birth, death, beginning, end etc. He is ever existing and unexampled 3. Pray to the Lord directly = And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided. (Qur’an 2: 186) Thus we have to understand the attributes of Our Lord and pray to Him directly and without any intercession or superstition or vain rituals and seek speedy relief from illness. 4. Praying and worshiping of creations is useless! = 'He created me; Then He will guide me. He feeds me; He solves my thirst. He heals me when I am sick. And he will kill me. Then he will give me life. ' (Qur’an 26: 78-81) All other than the Creator are His creations. It is a sin and an insulting act to abandon the magnificent Creator and take His meager creations as gods in His place. Worshiping them and praying to them is a useless act. It will rather invite the wrath of the Lord and retard the healing process. Therefore, we must pray exclusively to our Creator and seek His help. 5. We must realize that the present life is a test! = Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion. (Qur’an 3: 185) The Qur'an says that this temporary life is a test and the world is created as a test- field. This world will be completely destroyed one day and when God commands again, all human beings will be raised to life for a final trial. The good people will be granted Paradise filled with infinite pleasures and the sinners will be punished in Hell. Life in both Paradise and Hell will be eternal. 6. Paradise and Hell are our permanent dwellings Paradise is a place of peace and tranquility. There is no place for anxiety, evil, hatred, fatigue, disease, old age, famine, or anything like that. It is a place overwhelmed with unexpected pleasures. Paradise is the place where the Lord arranges gardens, parks, immaculate springs, high mansions, delicious fruit, food and drink in abundance. At the same time, there is hell for those who were thankless to the blessings of the Lord and have lived a life of disobedience and arrogance. It will be life eternal in the midst of a burning fire, and unbearable hunger and thirst. There will be thorny plants and highly boiling fluid to quench hunger and thirst. There are many references to heaven and hell in the Quran. For example: = Is the description of Paradise, which the righteous are promised, wherein are rivers of water unaltered, rivers of milk the taste of which never changes, rivers of wine delicious to those who drink, and rivers of purified honey, in which they will have from all [kinds of] fruits and forgiveness from their Lord, like [that of] those who abide eternally in the Fire and are given to drink scalding water that will sever their intestines? (Quran47:15) = Indeed, Hell has been lying in wait , For the transgressors, a place of return, In which they will remain for ages [unending]. They will not taste therein [any] coolness or drink Except scalding water and [foul] purulence - Except scalding water and [foul] purulence - (Qur’an 78:21) 7. Illness is a part of test! = And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient, Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah , and indeed to Him we will return." (Qur’an 2:155,156. As the present life is a test for us the occurrence of disease or other calamities are common here. In the event of such situations we must think about the eternal life hereafter and be patient. As per the above verse, if we utter,"We belong to God, and to Him we return", it really gives great comfort to disturbed soul during illness. The remembrance of God that He is with us during calamity makes health even better than before! = The Prophet (PBUH) said: "When a man who is put to the test says, 'Inna lillahi wa inna ilahi rajiun (surely we belong to the Allah, to Him is the return)' and pray thus "O Lord, grant me compensation for the misery I have suffered, and substitute with best one than what I lost! ”God will definitely grand him the best. (source Muslim) 8. Obtaining Atonement from sins We must recover from our sins before we pray for the cure of disease. You must ask God for forgiveness. Our food, body, and belongings must be purely earned in order for prayers to be accepted. 9. Taking medical treatment is must Strengthening our mind with the above mentioned facts of life, further we should proceed to take up suitable medical treatment for the disease. It is the Lord who has made the disease a test of life and He himself instructs us to take treatment. = Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has said, “Take medical treatment! This is because Allah has created medicine for all diseases except death. ” (Source: Abu dawud) 10. Holy Quran is also a cure During the course of treatment, we should take the medicine and parallaly read the verses of the Quran. There is relief in them too. The Lord says: = Say, "It is, for those who believe, a guidance and cure.".. (Quran 41:44) Recitation of Quranic verses for healing Given below is the transliteration and English meaning of few Chapters of Qur'an, recommended during illness. The readers themselves or the sick person can recite these verses and pray for cure from God. Let us remember that this will benefit those who strongly believe that the Creator is the only One worthy of worship. Opening chapter of Quran- Sura Fathiha Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Alhamdu lillaahi Rabbil 'aalameen Ar-Rahmaanir-Raheem Maaliki Yawmid-Deen Iyyaaka na'budu wa lyyaaka nasta'een Ihdinas-Siraatal-Mustaqeem Siraatal-lazeena an'amta 'alaihim ghayril-maghdoobi 'alaihim wa lad-daaalleen Meaning: 1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. 3. The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. 4. Master of the Day of Judgment. 5. It is You we worship, and upon You we call for help. 6. Guide us to the straight path. 7. The path of those You have blessed, not of those against whom there is anger, nor of those who are misguided. Chapter 113 - Sura Falaq: Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Qul a'uzoo bi rabbil-falaq Min sharri ma khalaq Wa min sharri ghasiqin iza waqab Wa min sharrin-naffaa-saati fil 'uqad Wa min shar ri haasidin iza hasad Meaning: In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. 1. Say, “I take refuge with the Lord of Daybreak. 2. From the evil of what He created. 3. And from the evil of the darkness as it gathers. 4. And from the evil of those who practice sorcery. 5. And from the evil of an envious when he envies.” Chapter 114 - Sura Annaas Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Qul a'uzu birabbin naas Malikin naas Ilaahin naas Min sharril was waasil khannaas Al lazee yuwas wisu fee sudoorin naas Minal jinnati wan naas Meaning: In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. 1. Say, “I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind. 2. The King of mankind. 3. The God of mankind. 4. From the evil of the sneaky whisperer. 5. Who whispers into the hearts of people. 6. From among jinn and among people.”

Friday, August 23, 2019

Survival of mankind is not possible without divine guidance!

1. There is no human life without God's guidance:
 Imagine that the traffic authorities in a big city announce that, " Traffic rules are relaxed for two hours today, starting from 10 am.  No matter how big the accident you make you will not be charged or punished during those two hours."
What will happen then?
We all know the result. Many people will not take their vehicle out due to fear. We will not even walk on the road. No matter how urgent the job we have, we will wait for those two hours to complete and then only leave our houses. Nothing, including an ambulance, will be on the road! Everything will come to a stand still! What does this mean for us?
Without law, order and mutual understanding, we realize that it is not possible for more than one person to coexist and live together. It is therefore imperative that since the first human couple began living here, they should have been taught the rules of life and the need to follow them.
Rather, we can understand that law, rules and regulations are not made on trial and error basis, that is,  after learning from the consequences of actions. In fact, The world is alive because the Creator taught them to mankind from the very beginning!
A man's behavior, actions, and qualities depend on his acceptance or rejection of God. If the sense of accountability to one's deeds is implanted in human minds, then it leads to order and discipline in the person's life. When that becomes absent or reduced, it leads to waywardness and confusion. If such an uncontrollable tendency had existed right from the beginning, the world would have perished long ago.
2. The Creator knows the usage of creation
We will not deny that the human body is the most sophisticated and complex machine found in the world today, Man possesses the intellect and emotions that is missing in other machines. We know that it is essential to follow the instructions of their manufacturer for the proper functioning of any machines. For example, in case of a scooter or a car we posses, we used to maintain the air pressure in the wheels as suggested by its manufacturer. On the contrary, we wont become adamant and keep the pressure as we like just because we are the owners of the vehicle.
If such a simple matter requires the guidance of the maker of the vehicle, is it rational to think that human machine which is highly complicated does not need the guidance of its maker? That too, when we do not have the right to handle a product we posses ourselves as per our wish, how can do so in case of a borrowed own?
3. Divine Guidance is necessary for formation of law and order
Human beings vary in color, race, country, and language etc. Something sinful to one person or a group may not be considered as sinful by others. Similarly, something  honored as holy by some may be considered as sinful or abominable act by others. So in order to survive smoothly as a community laws and regulations must be enacted there. To formulate such laws we need a common criterion that distinguishes between right and wrong, sin and virtue, justice and injustice.
The laws that formulated by humans, who knowledge and lifespan is very negligible, are arbitrary and flawed.
On the contrary, only the God who created and cares for this world and all that is in it, has complete knowledge of His creation. It is only the Lord who knows very well what is good and bad not only for man and mankind but for all other creatures and creations. Only the criteria or laws he provides are very noble. Therefore, it can be seen that divine guidance is essential in this regard also.
O mankind, there has to come to you instruction from your Lord and healing for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy for the believers. (Quran 10:57)

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Let us save our Nation from moral decline!

What is Patriotism?
The kissing of the land in public, the recitation of songs by some poets, and the saluting of the national flag are all portrayed in the media as mark of patriotism these days. We all are aware that most of these acts lack sincerity in them and are done for the sake of show. 
True patriotism is about loving the people of the country more than loving the map or the geographical nature of the country. The real patriotism is to live in harmony with them and to work for the welfare of the inmates of the country and to do their best to serve them. The true patriotism of the country is to work for the development of health, education and employment of the people and to extend selfless efforts in upbringing them as civilized citizens.
Image result for patriotismTo struggle steadfastly without fleeing from the country to save the people when the country is endangered with poverty, famine and threats from enemies, can be considered as the height of patriotism. True love towards fellow human being, faith in God and the life hereafter are the basic elements that are needed to inspire such high level of patriotic feeling in the heart of human beings. This is what Islam teaches us. Holy Quran says:
O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.  (Quran 49: 13)
The basic lesson that the our Creator teaches us is to treat all of humanity as equals and brethren, ignoring all racial, language, color and religious differences .
Loving the people is also an act of worship 
Whatever acts done that pleases God is considered as an act of worship in Islam.
Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The merciful will be shown mercy by the Most Merciful. Be merciful to those on the earth and the One in the heavens will have mercy upon you.” (Source: Tirmidhi).
He also said, “Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to people.” (Source: Bukhara, Muslim).

The belief in the life hereafter in Islam paves a strong foundation for the character of a Muslim. It ensures him that whatever acts done on earth to please God will never be wasted and it will be definitely rewarded in the hereafter. The firm belief in the life after death and the hope that we are rewarded in the Paradise for our sacrifices gives immense courage and bravery to those who follow Islam. This belief had served as a great driving force for them to sacrifice even lives and dear belongings to protect the nation from colonial forces and their attacks. Tipu Sultan and Kunjali Marikkayar, the martyrs who survived the struggle against the Britishers, are some examples.
Necessity to protect the country from evil
Protection of the country from the injustice, corruption, rape, corruption, violence, oppression, discrimination, exploitation and social evils affecting the country is as important as to protect the homeland from the dangers of the outside attackers. Only then will the country be a peaceful, fit for dwelling. But data from the National Criminal bureau (NCRB) warn that the country is today becoming a despicable place for people to live.
Today, 371 suicides, 106 rapes and 8136 common crimes are reported in our country's police stations every day. Crimes not brought to police stations are five times more likely, according to another survey. We all know and experience that crime rates are shooting upwards day by day.
It is our duty to protect the country
Islam is not just a name for prayers, meditation, charity, fasting, and so forth. Rather, we need to enjoin good and forbid evil around ourselves. 
The Messenger of God (PBUH) said:
“Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.” (Muslim: 78)
As a believer, therefore, he is obliged to do whatever he can to oppose evil. So whatever evil we can stop with our hands today, we should directly stop those evils. Ours is a democratic country and we must act against evil around us in a way permissible under our constitution. But we must not involve in damaging the public properties or the public in the name of agitation as done by some people today to vent their anger. We must be aware that God almighty dislikes such acts and they are recorded as sins by Him. 

Sowing discipline is the first step to eradicate evil
The Almighty Lord teaches us how to eradicate evil from society and how to control them when they exceed their limits.
Moral corruption and crime are rampant in the country as people feel that there is no one to question or stop if they commit excesses.  Bribery, corruption, robbery, sexual violence, infanticide, mercy killing of elderly citizens, betrayal and such evils can be stopped only if the committers get reformed. If that has to happen we must sow true faith in God in their minds of individuals in a rational way that is acceptable to logic.

That is, we have to educate the people certain basic facts about our Creator and the world we live in, right from their childhood.  We must make people aware that Almighty Lord who created and sustains this world is One and the only One. He alone is worthy of worship as the rest of them are His creations.  He has made the present temporary life as a test and has made the world an exam hall to perform this test. Our deeds are recorded here and depending upon the volume of good deeds or bad deeds, we will be rewarded with Paradise or Hell in the hereafter, which is going to be our eternal abode. The awareness that God is watching us and we are answerable for our deeds to Him, plays a big role in reforming the people.

Knowledge about Creator is necessary to create God - consciousness   
 Except the Creator all other things are His creations. They do not deserve worship.  If we show some of the creations and teach the people to be God, the magnificence of the Almighty God and sense of respect for Him goes away from human minds. This leads to removal of accountability of one’s deeds in human minds and growth of sin and evil in the society.  Thus, generations fearless to commit sins flourish in the country. To correct this disastrous situation in the country we must educate the people about true attributes of our Creator and make them worship Him directly. 

 ‘Say: Allah is one and the only. He is absolute. He neither begets nor was He begotten. There is none comparable to Him.’ (The Qur’an 112:1-4)
(The word 'Allah' means 'One and the only one God worthy of worship')
Islam teaches us the attributes of the Lord and tells us to worship Him directly, without giving room to intermediaries, superstitions, or vain rituals. If the feeling that the Creator is constantly watching over us is planted in man, he will refrain from obvious and hidden sins. At least hesitate to do them. For example, if this conscious comes to our young people, they will not watch pornography in the dark of night.
Let us implement the recommendations of the Lord!
The next reason for the growth of evil is due to following of defective laws of life formulated by human beings instead of ideal laws given by our Creator. Only the Creator ideally knows the nature of man. Implementing the laws of life and criminal laws that He has laid down for us will greatly reduce crime in the country. Let us study the effect of such laws as example. Let us just consider the laws dealing with bribery and prostitution.
Our country's criminal laws have become very supportive of bribery, fraud, murder, robbery and sexual offenses. Thieves repeatedly commit theft because the laws are supportive to thieves, fraudsters and rapists. They are not only becoming fearless, but also learn new techniques in their 'field' when they come out of prisons. But Islamic Criminal Law suggests cutting off the forearm of thief, if proven guilty. Similarly it suggests flogging and death penalty to rapists and adulterers in front of public. You can imagine how the crime-rate will start declining if such execution of such punishments is broadcasted on TVs. 

Not only will thieves, rapists, murderers be truly punished, but that will also form a lesson for the public. If this law comes into force, you will not see the criminals left free and wander around publicly threatening the lives of innocent people as seen today.  
Therefore, Islam is an ideology presented to us by God for peaceful living on this earth as well as for achieving salvation. It is based on self - reformation of the individuals through discipline ordained by our Creator. The Quran and the life example of God's final Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) contain wonderful guidelines for establishing Peace and dharma on earth.  
On the eve of freedom from the oppressive colonial forces, let us vow to protect our nation from the moral decline and build a truly strong nation!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


My existence.. if it is purposeful, why not I make it useful?
Dear Brothers and sisters,
Related imageThis is about a serious and interesting matter. Let us look at the things around us. For example pen, table, chair and so on. Behind every- thing we find that there is a specific purpose for which it is made. Next look at yourself. Your hands, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, heart, lungs and So on. Each part is created to serve its purpose. Again look at yourself as a whole. Definitely you are the most complicated product found on earth! Is it not? If so, what is the purpose behind your creation?
Why am I  here?
Have you ever thought about it? If not, why not at least now? Well, when we think about it, our reason says that there must be a noble purpose behind our creation and existence. Furthermore, if you look at the universe and its functions you will find that everything in it is working in perfect harmony to maintain the human life on earth. Few examples are: rain, growth of vegetation, alternation of day and night, the earth and its safe distance from sun, balanced atmosphere and so on. Like this, thousands of parameters are kept in perfect balance to sustain us here! Again let us ask, why is it? Why am I  here? What is the purpose of my life?
Can I decide it on my  own?
It is clear to us that only the maker decides the real purpose of his product. Unless he reveals it, others cannot know it properly.  Yes, Our Creator, the God Almighty has been merciful on us and has sent His messengers to tell us our purpose of life. They are known as ‘Rishis’ in India. In Christianity and Islam they are called as 'Prophets'. God has also sent holy scriptures known as 'Vedas' and If we go through the Vedas and teachings of God's Messengers we find certain basic facts, which are common in them. They are:
1. God Almighty, the Creator of the universe is One and man has to live in obedience to Him.
2. The present life on earth is a test and temporary one. In this life our deeds or Karma are being watched and recorded. The deeds done in accordance with God's commandments are considered as good deeds (punya) and deeds which are against to it are bad deeds (paba).
3. There will be a Day when our deeds will be judged. Those whose good deeds are more, they will enter into Paradise (swarga) and those whose bad deeds are more, they will enter into Hell (naraga). The life in both Paradise and Hell is eternal.
Life is a test
So, dear brothers and sisters, let us realize that this short life is a serious test which decides about our future. That is, we will be either in Paradise or in Hell in our eternal life. The life in Hell or Paradise is not a joke or concoction. It is as real as our present life. lt is wise to act immediately as the death can come to us any moment. In order to enter the Paradise and escape from the blazing fire of Hell we must go through the holy scriptures sent by God without bias. We must find out what are the commandments of our Creator and live accordingly.
The flrst and foremost good deed or punya is to recognize our Creator and worship only Him. He is known as Paramatma (Sanskrit) according to Hindu vedas. He is the Ultimate God - the Creator of heavens and earth. In Bible, ' Yahova' (Hebrew) is the name used for Ultimate Creator. And in Quran, He is called as Allah. (Allah is the Arabic word for One True God, Who is worthy of worship).
Our Creator is One
It is very important to recognize that our Creator is One and Only One. There is no one worthy of worship except Him as except Him all are His creations.
= The Quran says, "Allahu la ilaha illahuwal hayyul kayyum" meaning - "Allah - There is none has the right to be worshiped but Him, One who sustains and protects all that exists".
= In Bhagavat Geetha - Bramma Sutra says: "Yeham Braham davitya naste Nahne naste kinjan" which means "God is One and never never more than One".
= The Quran says: "Kul Huvallahu Ahad; Allahu ssamad lam Yalid ; valam yoolad; valam yakun lahu kufuwwvan Ahad.” (Chapter 112) - which means " Say: God is One, God is absolute; Neither He begets nor is He begotten; There is none comparable to Him".
= See how Rig Ved says it : "Yeham yevam advideeyam”  meaning: He is One - There is none comparable to Him.
= In Bible - New testament: Mark 12:29 says: "The first of all the commandments is, Hear O Israel: The Lord Our God is One Lord".
= Rig Ved 6:45: 16 says "Ya ig it mustiee" means Only God is worthy of worship.
Warnings of the scriptures:
The holy scriptures also give stern warning against the act of worshiping things other than Him as this act distorts the concept  of God Almighty and seriousness about Him in human minds. Thus it removes the sense of  answerability for one’s own deeds . In fact this leads to the growth of sins and evil in the society.  Further it  divides humanity into casts, tribes, sects etc based on the deity worshiped by them.
= The Quran which is the latest holy scripture from the God Almighty warns "Innashirka la zhulmun azeem” means: "Verily setting partners or parallels to God and worshiping  them is the greatest sin".
= In the verse 4:116, Quran says "Allah forgives not (the sin of) joining other gods with Him; but He forgives whom He pleases other sins other than this; one who joins other gods with Allah has strayed far, far away (from the right)." Also Quran says that they will enter into hell and be tortured there eternally.
= Yajoor Ved (40:8) warns: "Antam damaha pravi sandye ya asamboodi mupaste" meaning, "Those who worship nature or creations of God will enter into darkness" It further says: Those who worship samboodi (man's creations) will enter into further darkness.
= Bible - Old Testament (Exodus says: "You shall not make yourself a graven image, any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them" Psalm 42:8 also warns against this.
It is time to rectify
People, irrespective of the religions they belong to, fall victims to this practice of their ancestors. Thus, generations are nurtured with a corrupt conception of God and thereby do not have even the slightest sense of accountability of their deeds. They dare to commit any kind of sins and crimes without any hesitation. Thus, sins accumulate in the society uncontrollably. Whole society is now witnessing the same and suffers from this.
People hate to live here!
Our society today is overwhelmed with many evils. Rape, theft, corruption, violence, injustice, oppression, discrimination, dishonesty, deception, adulteration, black marketing, exploitation, blackmail.. everything is on the rise at an alarming rate. Collapse of family system, flourishing of old-age homes, infanticide, dowry death, criminalisation of politics, commercialization of education, violation of human rights etc are order of the day.  There is growing public anger, frustration and restlessness. According to National Crime Records Bureau every day 371 suicides are reported. (Unreported number is 5 times more according to another survey)
Let us return back to our Creator
To solve the deepening morality - crisis we have to implant the correct concept of God and the life hereafter, Day of Judgment, Paradise and Hell in the minds of people, particularly among the younger generations. Only then it will  create in them a sense of seriousness about Him and sense of accountability to one’s deeds. It can only  stop or retard their tendency to commit sins. For example, youth will stop seeing obscene videos if they realize that their Creator is ever watching them.
Dear brothers and sisters,
The life of this world is temporary and nothing but a test. The life after this is eternal and as per deeds in this test our abode will be either Paradise or Hell.  We all, every single one of mankind (past, present and future) will be raised back to life again on Day of Judgment. No one will be able to escape that day. So, let us not waste the chance we have got now!
= “Every soul shall have a taste of death: and only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (Purpose of Life): for the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception.” (Quran 3:185)
Let us start living a life of piety and obedience to our Creator. This will uplift  morality of individuals as well as of the society. By this we can achieve peace in the present world and gain entry into Paradise in the hereafter.
To know more about our Creator’s message to humanity please read the Holy Quran. Please contact us for your copy.

Understanding the Message of BAKRID

In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
he festival of sacrifice - known popularly as Bakrid - is celebrated in commemoration of the great sacrifice of Prophet Abraham (Peace be upon him), an exemplary man who lived 5,000 years ago. Abraham was an intelligent, upright and rationally thinking man. He could not tolerate the superstitious practices of the society in which he was born. His father himself was a chief priest manufacturing and selling idols.
Says the Holy Qurán:
“And recite to them news of Abraham, when he said to his father and people, ‘What do you worship?’ They said, ‘We worship idols and remain to them devoted.’ He said, ‘Do they hear you supplicate? Or do they benefit you, or do they harm?’ They said, ‘But we found our fathers doing this.’” (Qurán 26: 69-75)   
Abraham could not accept their answer. He wisely called upon them to reason.
“So when the night covered him, he saw a star. He said, ‘This is my Lord.’ But when it set, he said, ‘I like not those that set.’ And when he saw the moon rising, he said, ‘This is my Lord.’ But when it set, he said, ‘Unless my Lord guides me, I will surely be among the people gone astray.’ And when saw the sun rising he said, ‘This is my lord; this is greater.’ But when it set, he said, ‘O my people! Indeed, I am free from what you associate with Allah. [1]’” (Qurán 6: 76-78)
Abraham openly declared before the worshippers of idols, celestial bodies and false gods that he is not with them. 
“‘Indeed, I have turned my face toward Him who created the heavens and the earth, inclining towards truth, and I am not of those who associate others with Allah.’” (Qurán 6: 79)
“[He said]: ‘Do you observe that which you and your forefathers have been worshipping? Indeed, they are enemies to me, except the Lord of the worlds, Who created me, and He [it is who] guides me. And it is He who feeds me and gives me drink. And when I am ill, it is He who cures me.’” (Qurán 26: 76-81)
Abraham was chosen by Almighty God as His messenger. Like all other messengers of God, he also struggled hard to re-establish DHARMA. That is to call back people to worship the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. The greatest ADARMA is to worship anything other than Him. In the sight of God Almighty the act of associating or attributing partners to Him or worshipping any of His creations is the greatest sin.
“Verily, joining others in worship with Allah is a great injustice.” (Qurán 31: 13)
The Qur’an also warns this as an unforgivable sin and those who commit this will be eternally in Hell-fire. This is the evil which distorts the concept of real God in human mind and thus makes man fearless to commit sins. Further it divides humanity on the basis of the deity which they worship. This evil is the root cause of the caste-system, untouchability, inequality, exploitation, priesthood and other social evils. In spite of the opposition from his own father and his society, Abraham fought single-handedly against his superstitious society and called them to worship the Creator: In the process he was forced to face several trials and hardships. He was expelled by his father from his home. As Abraham took a firm stand against the worshipping of idols, his father and people together punished him by casting him into a big fire. But God Almighty saved him by His miracle. God ordered:
O fire! Be you cool and safe for Abraham.” (Qurán 21: 69)
Later, Abraham was summoned by the ruler Namrud who had proclaimed god-hood for himself fearing challenge from him. The Qur’an mentions this confrontation thus:
Have you not considered the one who argued with Abraham about his Lord [merely] because Allah had given him kingship? When Abraham said, "My Lord is the one who gives life and causes death," he said, "I give life and cause death." Abraham said, "Indeed, Allah brings up the sun from the east, so bring it up from the west." So the disbeliever was overwhelmed [by astonishment], and Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.” (Qur’an 2: 258)
In spite of all these incidents, there was no significant response to Abraham’s call to worship the Creator. He was forced to emigrate along with his few followers. In later life, Abraham and his family had to undergo several more tests from the Almighty God, for God wished to test the limits of his patient obedience to His commands.
Abraham was asked by God to leave his wife Hajer and suckling son Ishmael in the barren valley at Mecca, where the Ka’aba stands today. At the time that Abraham was asked to do so, there were neither people nor water in that barren land. As they passed the test of patience, God gifted them a well called as zamzam, from which the water flows continuously till now. Next Abraham was asked by God to sacrifice his beloved son. In the Qur’an God mentions:
“And when he reached with him [the age of] exertion, he said, ‘O my son, indeed I have seen in a dream that I [must] sacrifice you, so see what you think.’ He said, ‘O my father, do as you are commanded. You will find me, if Allah wills, of the steadfast.’ And when they had both submitted and he put him down upon his forehead, We called to him, ‘O Abraham, You have fulfilled the vision.’ Indeed, we thus reward the doers of good.” (Qurán 37: 102-105)
As they successfully passed this test, God Almighty asked him to sacrifice a ram instead. This great sacrifice of father willing to slaughter his own son is being remembered every year on the day of Bakrid otherwise known as festival of sacrifice.
There is a great lesson for mankind in this sacrifice
We all know that the present life on this earth is temporary. One day this whole world will be destroyed completely by God Almighty. He will resurrect all human beings right from the first to the last man who inhabited this earth. Following this, all of them will be brought before God Almighty for judgment of their deeds on earth. Everyone will be shown their good and bad deeds. Based on the volume of their deeds they will be sent to Paradise for everlasting happiness or sent to Hell for undergoing punishment eternally.
Thus, the present short life is a test which decides our future and eternal abode. Every one of us is given different situations and tested. For example, some are born blind, some with good facilities, some as poor, some as rich, some in a hut and some in a luxurious mansion etc. Our body, wealth, health, relatives and similar other possessions are temporarily given to us as a trust for a certain unknown period. We are not their real owners. The real owner is God Almighty and He has the right to withdraw them at any point of time. Whatever may be our level of attachment to these possessions, we must be ready to part with them whenever He desires. Indeed, He may suddenly withdraw them by way of His putting us to the test.
In the Qurán, God says:
And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient, who, when disaster strikes them, say, ‘Indeed we belong to Allah and, indeed, to Him we will return.’ Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided.” (Qurán 2: 155-157)
Prophet Abraham had undergone the highest forms of such tests. To understand the gravity of the same, just imagine yourself in his place! What would be your reaction if you get such an order from God? Or how would you feel if someone snatches your kid and runs away with him/ her? Or at the sudden death of your mother? You would scarcely bear it, right? But here, Abraham comes forward to slaughter his own son by his own hand! What a sacrifice! What an exemplary act of total obedience to the Creator! It is only normal that in most cases, love, attachments and emotions over-rule human behavior. But Abraham showed mankind that obedience to our Master should come before all other considerations.
Every year, on the occasion of Bakrid, we are reminded of this great lesson. As a small act of sacrifice we are asked by God, in keeping with one’s financial condition, to slaughter an animal on this day. The meat of the slain animal is shared with relatives and the poor in society. Here again, our preparedness to sacrifice for our Creator and Sustainer is being tested as He says in the Qurán:
“Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you…” (Qurán 22: 37)
Some Doubts and Clarifications
Q: Why should the sacrifice be repeated every year and everywhere? Is not the taking of a life a sin?
A: The word ‘Islam’ means ‘obedience to God’ and ‘Muslim’ means ‘one who is obedient to God.’ The present life is a test in which this obedience of man is tested. Those who pass this test will enter paradise and those who fail in this test will enter hell in the Hereafter. So we have to obey our Creator’s commandments in this world if we are serious about achieving salvation. We have to do whatever our Master has commanded and we have to keep away from deeds which He has prohibited.
The main reason for our sacrificing an animal is the command of the Creator – both ours and the animals - to do so. Here if we perform it we are committing a good deed and if we do not we are committing a sin. The intention behind the act of sacrifice lies in the test of man’s piety as mentioned in the verse quoted above (22:37). This act will enhance the spirit of sacrifice in us and prepare us to bear sudden losses in life, property etc. Sacrificing animals is not a new practice but has been ordained by God through His messengers and Books sent earlier to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as told in the Qurán:
“And for every nation have We appointed a ritual, that they may mention the name of Allah over the beast of cattle that He hath given them for food; and your God is one God, therefore surrender unto Him. And give good tidings (O Muhammad) to the humble.” (Qurán 22: 34)
Q: Is not the taking of a life a sin?
A: The following points may clear the doubt:
1.       Which act is a sin? And which is not? Human beings or any group of human beings cannot decide for themselves as to what does, and does not, constitute a sin since they do not possess the ultimate knowledge of everything. Even if they decide what and what not are sins, their decisions will be influenced by emotions, selfishness, etc. Something good for someone might be bad for others. Something which appears just for someone may be unjust according to others. Whereas God Almighty to whom belongs the universe and all that it contains, is Omnipotent and Omniscient. He knows ultimately what is good and what is bad for His creations. He is the Designer, Planner, Sustainer and Master of the universe. He only knows the ultimate purpose and role of each and every creation in this vast Universe. His knowledge is the most perfect and ultimate. He is the highest Authority to say which is right and wrong or which is just and unjust. Further, He is going to judge our deeds on the Day of Judgment. We have to admit that Whatever He commands us to do are good deeds and whatever He prohibits us from are bad deeds.
2.       The present short and temporary life which we are all undergoing is a test conducted by our Creator. Here we are tested amidst emotions, feelings, hunger, sorrow, happiness, justice, injustice, right, wrong… and so on. The test is whether we are following God’s commandments in all the circumstances we come across in our life time. If we follow Him we are rewarded with Paradise in the hereafter and if we do not follow Him we will be punished with Hell fire. So  it is wise to accept the standards set by Him as the criterion to decide between right and wrong.
3.       God Almighty has revealed to us what is good and what is bad through His Messengers (Rishis) and the Holy books (Vedas) sent through them from time to time. All His Holy Books prohibit killing of life unjustly. The last and final version of His holy books is the Qur’an which say this: “Do not take life, which Allah has made holy except for just (and true) cause...” (Qur’an 17:33). But killing of animals for the sake of food is allowed in all His Holy Books.
4.       Manusmriti, which is considered a holy book by Hindu brethren says: “The diner, if he is a meat consumer, the meat does not harm him, even if he consumes every day. Because it is God who has created some creatures for eating and some as food.” (Manusmriti 5:30)                                                                                                                  
“Consuming meat is also considered as sacrifice. This is known traditionally as Commandment of God.” (Manusmriti 5:31)
“God has created certain cattle for sacrifice. So slaughtering cattle for sacrificing will not be considered as killing of the cattle. (Manusmriti 5: 39, 4) 
Plenty of such references are found in other Hindu Holy scriptures. A few are given below.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Rig Veda: (VIII 42. 1), (X 91. 14.6), (1. 114.101), (5. 29-7), Adarva Veda (X.11. 1.48)
5.       However big or small, visible or invisible the forms of life, all are to be treated alike. Elephant, cow cat, flies, birds, mosquito, bacteria, germs and so on... All of them carry life. To protect only the big and visible ones and to ignore the small and invisible ones is not an act of justice. We have to equally feel pain when we drink as each drop of water contains millions of bacteria. Lakhs of silk worms are killed for the silk industry. Can we stop all this?
6.       Today, it has been scientifically proved that plants are living beings which see, hear and smell. They even have emotions. If we conclude that killing of life is sin, where can we go for food?
7.       In nature, God has created, distributed and perfected every creation in the right proportion. The Qurán says:
“Exalt the name of your Lord, the Most High, Who created and proportioned; And who destined and [then] guided.” (Qurán 87: 1–3)
Manu says, “The law of nature is that the stronger living beings eat the weaker ones. So it is natural to eat meat.”                                                                                                                
“God has created moving and unmoving creatures for the purpose of food. Unmoving living beings form the food for moving ones. Toothless creatures are food for the toothed ones. Armless beings are food for the armed ones. Innocent creatures are food for cruel ones.” (Manusmriti V.15)
8.        Tempted by our emotions and shortsightedness if we tamper or disturb the ecological balance set by our omniscient Creator, the consequences will be extremely disastrous. Let’s see a few examples:
a.       If the rapid growth of population of rats is not curtailed by snakes and reptiles which feed on them, it will lead to drastic scarcity of food grains and spread of epidemic diseases.
b.       If deers in jungles were not hunted down by wild animals which feed on them, with the unchecked growth of their population, the plants and trees will be consumed rapidly by them. Thus, the jungles will vanish which leads, in turn, to loss of rain.
c.       A minimum of 3, 84, 000 animals are slaughtered all over the world every day. If the slaughtering is suspended for one month the number of animals for which we have to feed will be 1, 15, 20, 000. The food requirement for them will be 34, 50, 00, 000 Kilograms per month. In the process of meeting this demand for food, the existing food grains, plants and trees will vanish fast. This further stops the rain and the whole earth will become a desert within six months.
9.       By stopping the killing of animals for food, can we afford to lose the following?
a.       In beef export, India occupies eighth place in the world.
b.       By export of leather, foreign exchange earned is Rs. 3, 160 crores and the number of people employed in this industry is 13.5 lakhs.
c.       By export of fish and fish products, exchange earned is Rs. 6, 308 crores.
d.       In silk production, India occupies third place. A lakh of people are employed in this industry. The benefits as well as job opportunities that arise out of such industries are too numerous to be ignored. Further, can we really forego by-products like belts, shoes, bags, purses, detergents, animal feed, pharmaceuticals, tar, heart valves, insulin, pepsin, surgical sutures, medical capsules, glue, fertilizers and so on?
10.     The vitamins (particularly B12) proteins, minerals and other nutrients required for efficient function and stamina of human body are very meager in vegetarian food. Manual workers, farmers and others who exert physically cannot work long hours if they only take vegetarian food.
11.     The human body is so designed by God that it can consume and digest meat. Like herbivorous animals, man is equipped with flat teeth, and like carnivorous animals he also has canine teeth. Our digestive system is also equipped to digest meat.
Those who find faults with the ecological order set by the ultimate wisdom of the Creator and tamper with it are warned by the Creator thus:                                                                                     
“Do no mischief on earth, after it has been set in order…” (Qurán 7: 56)
“… and those who cause mischief in the land, upon them is curse and a evil home (i. e. Hell) is for them.” (Qurán 13: 25)                                                                                                                    
The Creator and Master of this universe also warns those who ban things which are made lawful by Him:                                                                                     
And do not say about what your tongues assert of untruth, ‘This is lawful and this is unlawful,’ to invent falsehood about Allah. Indeed, those who invent falsehood about Allah will not succeed.  [It is but] a brief enjoyment, and they will have a painful punishment.” (Qurán 16: 116, 117)
On this great occasion let us all come together to understand and practice the real message of Bakrid, that is sacrifice, patience and obedience to our Creator.

[1] Allah is not the personal god of Muslims or an Arabian tribal god as widely misunderstood. In Arabic language it is the proper name of God Almighty, who is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe.
