is Patriotism?
kissing of the land in public, the recitation of songs by some poets, and the
saluting of the national flag are all portrayed in the media as mark of
patriotism these days. We all are aware that most of these acts lack sincerity
in them and are done for the sake of show.
patriotism is about loving the people of the country more than loving the map
or the geographical nature of the country. The real patriotism is to live in
harmony with them and to work for the welfare of the inmates of the country and
to do their best to serve them. The true patriotism of the country is to work
for the development of health, education and employment of the people and to
extend selfless efforts in upbringing them as civilized citizens.
mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples
and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the
sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and
Acquainted. (Quran 49: 13)
basic lesson that the our Creator teaches us is to treat all of humanity as
equals and brethren, ignoring all racial, language, color and religious
differences .
the people is also an act of worship
Whatever acts done that pleases God is considered as an act of worship in Islam.
Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The merciful will be shown mercy by the Most Merciful. Be merciful to those on the earth and the One in the heavens will have mercy upon you.” (Source: Tirmidhi).
He also said, “Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to people.” (Source: Bukhara, Muslim).
Whatever acts done that pleases God is considered as an act of worship in Islam.
Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The merciful will be shown mercy by the Most Merciful. Be merciful to those on the earth and the One in the heavens will have mercy upon you.” (Source: Tirmidhi).
He also said, “Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to people.” (Source: Bukhara, Muslim).
belief in the life hereafter in Islam paves a strong foundation for the
character of a Muslim. It ensures him that whatever acts done on earth to
please God will never be wasted and it will be definitely rewarded in the
hereafter. The firm belief in the life after death and the hope that we are
rewarded in the Paradise for our sacrifices gives immense courage and bravery
to those who follow Islam. This belief had served as a great driving force for
them to sacrifice even lives and dear belongings to protect the nation from
colonial forces and their attacks. Tipu Sultan and Kunjali Marikkayar, the
martyrs who survived the struggle against the Britishers, are some examples.
to protect the country from evil
of the country from the injustice, corruption, rape, corruption, violence,
oppression, discrimination, exploitation and social evils affecting the country
is as important as to protect the homeland from the dangers of the outside
attackers. Only then will the country be a peaceful, fit for dwelling. But data
from the National Criminal bureau (NCRB) warn that the country is today
becoming a despicable place for people to live.
371 suicides, 106 rapes and 8136 common crimes are reported in our country's
police stations every day. Crimes not brought to police stations are five times
more likely, according to another survey. We all know and experience that crime
rates are shooting upwards day by day.
is our duty to protect the country
is not just a name for prayers, meditation, charity, fasting, and so forth.
Rather, we need to enjoin good and forbid evil around ourselves.
Messenger of God (PBUH) said:
“Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him
change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change
it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and
that is the weakest of faith.” (Muslim: 78)
a believer, therefore, he is obliged to do whatever he can to oppose evil. So
whatever evil we can stop with our hands today, we should directly stop those
evils. Ours is a democratic country and we must act against evil around us in a
way permissible under our constitution. But we must not involve in damaging the
public properties or the public in the name of agitation as done by some people
today to vent their anger. We must be aware that God almighty dislikes such
acts and they are recorded as sins by Him.
discipline is the first step to eradicate evil
Almighty Lord teaches us how to eradicate evil from society and how to control
them when they exceed their limits.
corruption and crime are rampant in the country as people feel that there is no
one to question or stop if they commit excesses. Bribery, corruption,
robbery, sexual violence, infanticide, mercy killing of elderly citizens,
betrayal and such evils can be stopped only if the committers get reformed. If
that has to happen we must sow true faith in God in their minds of individuals
in a rational way that is acceptable to logic.
is, we have to educate the people certain basic facts about our Creator and the
world we live in, right from their childhood. We must make people aware
that Almighty Lord who created and sustains this world is One and the only One.
He alone is worthy of worship as the rest of them are His creations. He
has made the present temporary life as a test and has made the world an exam
hall to perform this test. Our deeds are recorded here and depending upon the
volume of good deeds or bad deeds, we will be rewarded with Paradise or Hell in
the hereafter, which is going to be our eternal abode. The awareness that God
is watching us and we are answerable for our deeds to Him, plays a big role in reforming
the people.
about Creator is necessary to create God - consciousness
the Creator all other things are His creations. They do not deserve
worship. If we show some of the creations and teach the people to be God,
the magnificence of the Almighty God and sense of respect for Him goes away
from human minds. This leads to removal of accountability of one’s deeds in
human minds and growth of sin and evil in the society. Thus, generations
fearless to commit sins flourish in the country. To correct this disastrous
situation in the country we must educate the people about true attributes of
our Creator and make them worship Him directly.
‘Say: Allah is one and the only. He is absolute.
He neither begets nor was He begotten. There is none comparable to Him.’ (The
Qur’an 112:1-4)
word 'Allah' means 'One and the only one God worthy of worship')
teaches us the attributes of the Lord and tells us to worship Him directly,
without giving room to intermediaries, superstitions, or vain rituals. If
the feeling that the Creator is constantly watching over us is planted in man,
he will refrain from obvious and hidden sins. At least hesitate to do them. For
example, if this conscious comes to our young people, they will not watch
pornography in the dark of night.
us implement the recommendations of the Lord!
next reason for the growth of evil is due to following of defective laws of
life formulated by human beings instead of ideal laws given by our Creator.
Only the Creator ideally knows the nature of man. Implementing the laws of life
and criminal laws that He has laid down for us will greatly reduce crime in the
country. Let us study the effect of such laws as example. Let us just consider the
laws dealing with bribery and prostitution.
country's criminal laws have become very supportive of bribery, fraud, murder,
robbery and sexual offenses. Thieves repeatedly commit theft because the laws
are supportive to thieves, fraudsters and rapists. They are not only becoming
fearless, but also learn new techniques in their 'field' when they come out of
prisons. But Islamic Criminal Law suggests cutting off the forearm of thief,
if proven guilty. Similarly it suggests flogging and death penalty to rapists
and adulterers in front of public. You can imagine how the crime-rate will
start declining if such execution of such punishments is broadcasted on
only will thieves, rapists, murderers be truly punished, but that will also form
a lesson for the public. If this law comes into force, you will not see the
criminals left free and wander around publicly threatening the lives of
innocent people as seen today.
Islam is an ideology presented to us by God for peaceful living on this earth
as well as for achieving salvation. It is based on self - reformation of the
individuals through discipline ordained by our Creator. The Quran and the life
example of God's final Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) contain
wonderful guidelines for establishing Peace and dharma on
the eve of freedom from the oppressive colonial forces, let us vow to protect
our nation from the moral decline and build a truly strong nation!
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