Friday, November 8, 2024

Divine origin of Qur'an

 Recently, researchers subjected the preserved handwritten copies of the Quran at the University of Birmingham to radiocarbon dating, estimating with 95.4 percent accuracy that they were written between 568 and 645 AD. (Source:

The text in the above image is the computer copy next to that handwritten copy. One can see that both are intact without any distortion.  

 For Muslims around the world, this is not surprising news. Since the time it was revealed, it has been their practice to read the Quran in its original language up to this day. They have realized that since the entire Quran has become famous worldwide in audio format, no one can alter it.

God also mentions this in the Quran: 

"Indeed, We have sent down this Reminder (the Quran), and indeed, We will protect it" (Quran 15:9). 

This truth can also be understood as - even if all religious scriptures, including the Quran, and other books and documents available in the world today are gathered and burned in one corner, the only book that can be rewritten is the Quran! The reason is that it is recorded in the minds of millions of people around the world in the same way! The divine promise mentioned above is clearly evident, isn’t it?

Why were the previous scriptures not preserved? 

Now let's explore a question that arises in your minds. The earlier divine scriptures were indeed revealed by God, so why were they not protected? 

The reason is that they were sent for a specific group of people for a particular period. For example, when the constitution of a country is revised, the old one becomes outdated and loses its value, right? Similarly, the earlier scriptures became obsolete, which is why they were not preserved.

Why is the Quran being protected instead?  

It is the final scripture of God. Until the Day of Judgment, it serves as divine guidance for the people who will come in the future. Based on this, our sins and merits will be determined on the Day of Resurrection.  

Characteristics of the Quran  

When compared to the existing copies of previous scriptures, one can observe the following characteristics of the Quran:  

a) Preserved in its original language: Today, one can only find translations of the divine scriptures that were revealed before the Quran. The original verses of those scriptures cannot be seen. This is something you cannot find no matter how much you search for anything that is firmly stated to be from those scriptures.  

However, regarding the Quran, you can see that the original verses have been preserved as they were for 1430 years, without any alteration, from the day they were revealed. The continuous recitation by numerous Muslims since its revelation is one reason it has become famous worldwide in its oral form.  

b) One hundred percent the words of God: The Quran is the compilation of the divine verses revealed through the angel Gabriel. It does not contain even a small part of the words of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) or any other human beings. The teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and references about him or his life are compiled separately under the name Hadith, hence the Quran contains solely the words of God. However, this characteristic cannot be found in the existing copies of previous scriptures.  

For example, the Bible contains the words of God, as well as the words of Jesus Christ. Additionally, there are accounts written by the apostles, inspired by the Holy Spirit, about Jesus, which is universally accepted as a truth in the Christian world.

c) There is no room for doubt  

2:2. This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah -

Can you find such a statement in any human creations? That is, would any human have the courage to say in their work, "What I am about to say is one hundred percent true, there is no doubt in this"? This proves that the Quran is the revelation of the Creator of this world – the All-Knowing.  

d) A call to those who have doubts!  

Look at the declaration and warning that God gives to those who doubt this scripture:  

2:23. And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses other than Allah , if you should be truthful.

The Lord of this world challenges humankind to bring forth such a chapter if there is any doubt in you regarding these revelations imparted to the Prophet (peace be upon him) through the angel Gabriel!  

2:24. But if you do not - and you will never be able to - then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.

e) A posture of authority that belongs only to God!  

The above verses serve as a warning regarding the punishment that awaits those who reject the truth and cannot confront this challenge. 

2:24. But if you do not - and you will never be able to - then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.

Through these verses, God sends a message to all the people of the world:

Behold, this holy Quran is the final scripture containing My commandments. It has been revealed as guidance for all people who will come until the Day of Judgment. Based on this, you are obligated to live. If you live according to it, you will attain salvation. On the other hand, those who reject it and have doubts about it should attempt to produce a chapter like this to prove their claim. For that, they can call upon all the people of the world and all powers for help if they wish.

If you fail in that endeavor - it is certain that you will fail - acknowledge your inability and return to God. If you have no intention of returning, then fear the fire of Hell, which has been prepared for those who reject God and His scripture. It is such a fierce fire that evil people and stones will be burning as its fuel.

That is, the Lord of this world shows His servants the Quran and says, accept this! Otherwise, Hell awaits you, as stated in these verses!

f) This scripture is free from contradictions. 

If it is to be called divine scripture, it should be free from any contradictions. Because contradictions arise in human speech. In the words of the One God, there should be no possibility of contradictions. If there are contradictions, it can only be considered the words of a human and cannot be divine scripture. 

Among the books found in this world, many can be seen to contradict each other, meaning contradictions exist within the pages of those books. There are many examples, but to understand this, we will look at just one here: 

The contradiction found between Ezra chapter 2 and Nehemiah chapter 7. 

The sons of Arak are five hundred and fifty people. (Nehemiah 7:10) 

The sons of Arak are seven hundred and seventy-five people. (Ezra 2:5)

g) Discrepancies arising over time:

For example, take a book written fifty years ago and read it today. Whether it is a scientific book or a spiritual or legal text, you will find numerous discrepancies against the backdrop of today’s human knowledge advancement and scientific growth. However, the wonder of the Quran is that there are not even a hint of those two discrepancies mentioned above. 

God says in 4:82, “Do they not reflect on this Quran? Had it been from other than Allah, they would have found within it much contradiction.” Even after approximately 1440 years since its revelation, the Quran continues to move forward without any discrepancies. The Quran has neither prior nor later contradictions. There are no contradictions in the Holy Quran. Nor are there any contradictions that are found in human creations that arise through the progress of time. The reason is that it was revealed by the Knower of the past and future, who is the All-Wise God!

39:1 The revelation of the Qur'an is from Allah , the Exalted in Might, the Wise.

As science and human knowledge grow and new insights are revealed to humanity, no human creations can escape the contradictions brought about by the passage of time. However, the Quran has continued for over 1400 years without contradicting any established scientific truths or historical facts! In fact, it is only when the truths about the creations of God discovered by modern science are revealed that the treasures of knowledge contained within the Quran become apparent to us.

Additionally, in literature, the exalted status of the Quran, its musical rhythm that captivates all people of the world, its perfect relevance for people of all eras, and its provision of solutions to all of humanity's existential problems are some of the many characteristics that elevate the Quran to unparalleled heights.


What is Islam? Who is Muslim?

Who is Allah?

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