Consider a factory, a school, an army, or a hospital. For these institutions, which function with the participation of many people, to provide the necessary benefits, there must be a stable leadership and defined rules and order that must be followed by everyone. Similarly, in this world we live in, if we accept the leadership of God, the owner of this world, and follow the rules and discipline He teaches, life will become meaningful. We can see in nature that all creations, except for man, are structured to be beneficial in this way.
Islam means submission. Its other meaning is peace. That is, when individuals live by submitting to the rules set by the Creator who created and sustains this world, it results in discipline and moral conduct in personal and social life. The peace that arises from this can be called Islam. Those who live by maintaining this also continue to experience peace in the life after death, That is, a Paradise filled with eternal bliss is offered to them as a reward. This is the doctrine presented by this divine path.
Muslim means one who submits. For example, a student who behaves with respect towards the teacher or a servant who obeys the master can be considered a Muslim in terms of the Arabic word. Similarly, those who act in accordance with the commands of God are called Muslims. No one can become a Muslim just by wearing a cap or a beard or by having a name in Arabic or Urdu. Even if a person is born to Muslim parents, they cannot be considered a Muslim. One can only be a Muslim by completely adhering to the teachings.
The word Muslim can also be understood in this way. Look at nature. Trees, bushes, plants, the sun, the moon, stars, fish, birds, animals... all these live in accordance with the commands of the creator – that is, the rules set by the creator. Therefore, all these are Muslims! Not only that, but consider our own body. Each of our body parts – the heart, stomach, intestines, nerves, brain, kidneys... all of these are also Muslims! The reason is that they all exist in a state of submission to the creator. That is to say, even if a person is not yet a Muslim, his body is always a Muslim!
So, based on this, whoever possesses the quality of submission to God, no matter in which religion they were born, no matter what language they speak, no matter in which corner of the world they were born... also, it doesn't matter in which era they lived, all of them are Muslims! This is the broad perspective that Islam teaches us.
Islam is not new!
Yes, dear brothers and sisters, you must now realize the truth that Islam is not a new religion. Unfortunately, however, the majority of people still believe that it is a new religion created by Prophet Muhammad. Even today, this misconception continues to persist without correction in school textbooks.
Yes, dear ones, when we say that we all belong to the same family, it becomes clear that our God must have given us only one religion. That same religion has been introduced repeatedly through many prophets wherever our families have spread over different times. That same religion was finally reintroduced through the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This religion is known today in Arabic as ‘Islam’. On the contrary, the Prophet Muhammad did not bring anything new or create anything new.
Islam instills deeply in the minds of individuals three beliefs that transform humanity from being engrossed in sins to becoming disciplined and responsible. Furthermore, it liberates them from superstitions and divisive arguments, establishing global brotherhood and human equality.
1. One Humanity:
O mankind! Fear your Lord, who created you from one soul. And from it, He created its mate. And from both of them, He spread many men and women. Fear Allah, through whom you ask one another, and [fear] the ties of kinship. Indeed, Allah is ever, over you, an Observer. (Quran 4:1)
(Allah means the One God worthy of worship.)
That is, Islam teaches that despite the differences created by color, race, country, language, wealth, education, status, and position, every human being is a brother to one another and that everyone has rights on this earth which must be respected and upheld by all.
2.. One God:
Say, “He is God, the One. God, the Absolute. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none comparable to Him.” (Quran 112:1-4)
Islam teaches that understanding God's attributes in this way means that one should worship Him directly, without intermediaries, superstitions, or unnecessary rituals.
(O Prophet!) Whenever My servants ask you about Me, I am indeed very near to them. I respond to the call of the one who calls upon Me. Let them call upon Me for guidance, let them place their faith in Me. (Quran 2:186)
Except for the Creator, everything else is a creation. Therefore, worshipping created beings – whether they are living or even lifeless forms without life and consciousness – or teaching that they are God is considered a deception and sin in Islam. This act diminishes God and creates a neglectful attitude towards Him in human minds. Consequently, it becomes a significant obstacle to maintaining good morals, leading to an increase in sins within society. Furthermore, as people attempt to imagine and worship God in different forms, the human race becomes divided, fighting amongst themselves and fading away, and intermediaries exploit the name of God to deceive and survive. The Qur'an states that God does not forgive this sin, which leads to many confusions and evils.
3. Divine judgment and the afterlife.
Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion.(Quran 3:185)
That is to say, this world will one day be completely destroyed, and when God's command comes, all humans will be resurrected for the final judgment. Eternal abodes filled with immeasurable pleasures will be granted to the righteous, and severe punishments will be provided to the sinners.
Thus, this temporary life is a test, and this world has been created as a testing ground for it, which is the truth that Islam reminds us of. Forgetting this is the cause of humanity's lack of peace.
Practical guidance
The aforementioned beliefs are not just mere teachings; they provide a clear life plan and guidance for a person to uphold throughout his life, through the final revelation, the Holy Quran, and the exemplary life of the final messenger, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It can be understood by those who explore that they serve as guides in all areas of human life.
Who is Allah?
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