Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Scientific Quran Miracles, Backbone Ribs Miracle

This is about a scientific fact, mentioned in the Quran, regarding the male reproductive system. It is important to point out that while the Quran is not a science textbook, many of the latest scientific discoveries that were revealed in Quranic passages 1400 years ago. This is in stark contrast with the Bible, which contains numerous scientific errors (due to corruption by the scribes: (Jer 8:8, Mat 5:20, 23:13). For example, regarding genetics, in Genesis 30:37-42, Jacob changes the characteristics of animal offspring by having their parents look at white stripes while mating.

We will examine the Quranic verse that describes the location of seminal fluid prior to being discharged.
Literal translation of Quran 86:6-7:
{ (Man is) created from gushing water (which) comes out from between the backbone * and the ribs *. }
* from Al Qamoos, Lisan Al Arab, etc
In other words, just prior to gushing or coming out of the body, seminal fluid is located between the backbone and the ribs.

At first glance, a layman might think that SEMEN comes out from the testicles. While the SPERM is produced in the testicles, NEITHER is the sperm NOR is the seminal fluid (essential for natural fertilization) anywhere near them prior to ejaculation. The verse specifically mentions the entire fluid, and not just the sperm "component". So let's examine the process of emission, where all the components of semen are joined. Sperm is stored in the epididymis, which is not in the testicles, but above them. The Sperm which comprises 2 to 5% of the seminal fluid, , travels from the epididymis up through the Vas Deferens duct and around the bladder. Together, the seminal vesicle and the prostate gland produce 90% of the fluid in semen. This mixture travels through the prostate and is joined by mucus from the bulbourethral glands, just below the prostate.…/…/male-reproductive-system…

It is at this point that semen is fully formed, comprising both the sperm and the seminal fluids. As we can see, just prior to coming out of the body, all components of semen are mixed near the prostate, which is centered in the body, between the backbone and the ribs, or between the spine and the chest, which is between the back and front of the abdomen or torso, and most certainly not in the testicles or in the lower body at all.

Someone might object by saying: the ribs are too high to say "the prostate is between the backbone & the ribs." To this objection, we answer that: the head is still between the shoulders even though it is too high, & the genitals are still between the legs, even though they are too high.

Now let’s check the verse again.
{ (Man is) created from gushing water (which) comes out from between the backbone * and the ribs *. }
This precise scientific description could not have been known 1400 years ago, and even today most people don't know it, as we will see next.

We will examine some false claims regarding the scientific accuracy of this verse.

In reference to this verse, quotes mistake by Dr. William Campbell: "...we are left with the very real problem that the SEMEN IS COMING FROM the back or kidney area and not THE TESTICLES."

In fact, SEMEN does NOT come from the testicles. (only the SPERM is produced there, which comprises 2-5% of semen). And as we saw earlier, SEMEN IS ACTUALLY FORMED NEAR THE PROSTATE.

Next, let's also listen to the false claims of the person discussislam: "This description reflects the view of Hippocrates, common in the 5th century…that SEMEN comes from all the fluid of the body & passes through the kidneys on the way to the penis. We now know that it comes from the testicles." First of all, DISCUSSISLAM also falsely claims semen comes from the testicles "We now know that it comes from the testicles". It's astonishing how those attacking Islam make the same layman errors, without checking their facts.

In any case, The Quran does not contain the scientific errors of Hippocrates view
1) That Semen comes from all the fluid in the body.
2) That Semen passes through the kidneys.
As such, contrary to DISCUSSISLAM's misrepresentation, there is no similarity whatsoever, between this Quranic passage, and the view of Hippocrates.

Furthermore, let's examine some more of Hippocrates related scientific errors, that are again NOT in the Quran:
1) sperm originate in the brain
2) men & women produce sperm
3) "healthy" sperm is produced by healthy parts of the body
4) stronger sperm results in males, weaker sperm results in females

The Quran clearly mentions the scientific fact, before it was known, about where semen becomes fully formed before "gushing" out. Semen includes the sperm AND seminal fluids, which are BOTH absolutely required for natural fertilization. The Quran accurately states that this fluid (gushing water) is between the backbone and the ribs prior to coming out of the body, as seen from the profile view of the male anatomy.

Those attempting to discredit this Quranic verse, simply demonstrate their own lack of scientific knowledge regarding the male reproductive system. In addition, trying to ascribe the numerous scientific accuracies from the Quran, to philosophers like Hippocrates, who could rarely AVOID scientific errors on any matter, is obviously quite ridiculous.

As we have demonstrated, misrepresenting both the scientific facts, and the views of ancient societies, is not only the strategy but a fundamental requirement for people attempting to refute the Quran’s overwhelming signs.  See video

Thanks to : Deen Show

Monday, September 7, 2015

Muslim population grow naturally unlike others!

Islam is the way of life prescribed by God, the Creator and Sustainer of this universe, and hence its followers adopt natural course of life. Here the marriages, child birth, gorwing of children, adopting elders, maintaining family bonds etc are followed naturally and with the sense of answerability before God.Though they face difficulties they bear them for the sake of God and Life Hereafter.
 But with most of those who do not have the sense of answerability to God, they adopt unnatural ways of life. Living of male and female without marriages, postponement of marriages, foeticide, infanticide, female infanticide etc are commonly found among them. Thus the fertility rate is declining among them becouse of the anti natural means adopted by them. So, it is not the fault of Islam!
 As the result of plot by power mongers who continuously ruled us, our country was fooled by them.  We believed the lies of corrupt politicians who looted the country's resources and were inefficient to manage them. They had put the blame on population growth to cover up their corruption and inefficiency.
Holy Quran, the last revelation from God Almighty is stopping its followers all over the world from committing crimes like foeticide, infanticide, female foeticide etc through its preaching: "And do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and for you. Indeed, their killing is ever a great sin. " (Quran 17:31) Also it warns the killers that they will be questioned on the day of Judgment "And when the girl [who was] buried alive is asked For what sin she was killed" (Quran 81:8,9)
  The world has started realizing the foolishness behind  population control long back. It is sad that even intellectuals in our country are still ignorant about this

How to arrive at a common morality?

As we live in a society and belonging to various beliefs and faiths, we need a common scale to adjudge what is right and what is wrong. Some acts which are considered good by a group of people are considered as bad by others. Some acts or things that are revered as holy by some section of people or faiths are considered unholy or sinful by others. As long as such multi standards exist, peaceful coexistance of people belonging to diverse sects is not possible.
Now, how to arrive at a common criterion to judge between good and bad, holy and unholy, justice and injustice?

Can we judge an act as good based on the mejority of people doing it? or can we judge it according to individual conscience? or according to collective conscience of people of our race, religion, linguistic faction, city, province or country?
Or can we accept our forefathers as judges? or the religious leaders and saints? As per the saying 'King is always right' can we accept our rulers and presidents of the nation as our judges?

Thus we can see that none of the above options can provide us a common criterion which will be just. So, to reach at an ideal solution there is only one way. Which is that?

Almighty God the Creator and Cherisher of the world is the Master and Owner of it. He is Ominipotent and Omniscient. As He is Knower of the needs and purpose of all His creations He can only be the ideal Judge to provide an ideal criterion. As He is the Cherisher of the world, He can only be the ideal distributor of rights and provisions among His creations. Moreover, since He is the Master of the Day of Judgement, He is going to judge our deeds according to the criterion given by Him.
Thus the Criterion given by our Creator can only be ideal and safe for all human beings and by adopting it one can lead a peaceful in this world and in the hereafter.
So the latest Book revealed by God Almighty to mankind is the Holy Quran is the latest Criterion for people living in the world at present.
"The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion.." (Quran 2:185)
"Blessed is He who sent down the Criterion upon His Servant that he may be to the worlds a warner" (Quran 25:1)