Wednesday, August 7, 2019


My existence.. if it is purposeful, why not I make it useful?
Dear Brothers and sisters,
Related imageThis is about a serious and interesting matter. Let us look at the things around us. For example pen, table, chair and so on. Behind every- thing we find that there is a specific purpose for which it is made. Next look at yourself. Your hands, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, heart, lungs and So on. Each part is created to serve its purpose. Again look at yourself as a whole. Definitely you are the most complicated product found on earth! Is it not? If so, what is the purpose behind your creation?
Why am I  here?
Have you ever thought about it? If not, why not at least now? Well, when we think about it, our reason says that there must be a noble purpose behind our creation and existence. Furthermore, if you look at the universe and its functions you will find that everything in it is working in perfect harmony to maintain the human life on earth. Few examples are: rain, growth of vegetation, alternation of day and night, the earth and its safe distance from sun, balanced atmosphere and so on. Like this, thousands of parameters are kept in perfect balance to sustain us here! Again let us ask, why is it? Why am I  here? What is the purpose of my life?
Can I decide it on my  own?
It is clear to us that only the maker decides the real purpose of his product. Unless he reveals it, others cannot know it properly.  Yes, Our Creator, the God Almighty has been merciful on us and has sent His messengers to tell us our purpose of life. They are known as ‘Rishis’ in India. In Christianity and Islam they are called as 'Prophets'. God has also sent holy scriptures known as 'Vedas' and If we go through the Vedas and teachings of God's Messengers we find certain basic facts, which are common in them. They are:
1. God Almighty, the Creator of the universe is One and man has to live in obedience to Him.
2. The present life on earth is a test and temporary one. In this life our deeds or Karma are being watched and recorded. The deeds done in accordance with God's commandments are considered as good deeds (punya) and deeds which are against to it are bad deeds (paba).
3. There will be a Day when our deeds will be judged. Those whose good deeds are more, they will enter into Paradise (swarga) and those whose bad deeds are more, they will enter into Hell (naraga). The life in both Paradise and Hell is eternal.
Life is a test
So, dear brothers and sisters, let us realize that this short life is a serious test which decides about our future. That is, we will be either in Paradise or in Hell in our eternal life. The life in Hell or Paradise is not a joke or concoction. It is as real as our present life. lt is wise to act immediately as the death can come to us any moment. In order to enter the Paradise and escape from the blazing fire of Hell we must go through the holy scriptures sent by God without bias. We must find out what are the commandments of our Creator and live accordingly.
The flrst and foremost good deed or punya is to recognize our Creator and worship only Him. He is known as Paramatma (Sanskrit) according to Hindu vedas. He is the Ultimate God - the Creator of heavens and earth. In Bible, ' Yahova' (Hebrew) is the name used for Ultimate Creator. And in Quran, He is called as Allah. (Allah is the Arabic word for One True God, Who is worthy of worship).
Our Creator is One
It is very important to recognize that our Creator is One and Only One. There is no one worthy of worship except Him as except Him all are His creations.
= The Quran says, "Allahu la ilaha illahuwal hayyul kayyum" meaning - "Allah - There is none has the right to be worshiped but Him, One who sustains and protects all that exists".
= In Bhagavat Geetha - Bramma Sutra says: "Yeham Braham davitya naste Nahne naste kinjan" which means "God is One and never never more than One".
= The Quran says: "Kul Huvallahu Ahad; Allahu ssamad lam Yalid ; valam yoolad; valam yakun lahu kufuwwvan Ahad.” (Chapter 112) - which means " Say: God is One, God is absolute; Neither He begets nor is He begotten; There is none comparable to Him".
= See how Rig Ved says it : "Yeham yevam advideeyam”  meaning: He is One - There is none comparable to Him.
= In Bible - New testament: Mark 12:29 says: "The first of all the commandments is, Hear O Israel: The Lord Our God is One Lord".
= Rig Ved 6:45: 16 says "Ya ig it mustiee" means Only God is worthy of worship.
Warnings of the scriptures:
The holy scriptures also give stern warning against the act of worshiping things other than Him as this act distorts the concept  of God Almighty and seriousness about Him in human minds. Thus it removes the sense of  answerability for one’s own deeds . In fact this leads to the growth of sins and evil in the society.  Further it  divides humanity into casts, tribes, sects etc based on the deity worshiped by them.
= The Quran which is the latest holy scripture from the God Almighty warns "Innashirka la zhulmun azeem” means: "Verily setting partners or parallels to God and worshiping  them is the greatest sin".
= In the verse 4:116, Quran says "Allah forgives not (the sin of) joining other gods with Him; but He forgives whom He pleases other sins other than this; one who joins other gods with Allah has strayed far, far away (from the right)." Also Quran says that they will enter into hell and be tortured there eternally.
= Yajoor Ved (40:8) warns: "Antam damaha pravi sandye ya asamboodi mupaste" meaning, "Those who worship nature or creations of God will enter into darkness" It further says: Those who worship samboodi (man's creations) will enter into further darkness.
= Bible - Old Testament (Exodus says: "You shall not make yourself a graven image, any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them" Psalm 42:8 also warns against this.
It is time to rectify
People, irrespective of the religions they belong to, fall victims to this practice of their ancestors. Thus, generations are nurtured with a corrupt conception of God and thereby do not have even the slightest sense of accountability of their deeds. They dare to commit any kind of sins and crimes without any hesitation. Thus, sins accumulate in the society uncontrollably. Whole society is now witnessing the same and suffers from this.
People hate to live here!
Our society today is overwhelmed with many evils. Rape, theft, corruption, violence, injustice, oppression, discrimination, dishonesty, deception, adulteration, black marketing, exploitation, blackmail.. everything is on the rise at an alarming rate. Collapse of family system, flourishing of old-age homes, infanticide, dowry death, criminalisation of politics, commercialization of education, violation of human rights etc are order of the day.  There is growing public anger, frustration and restlessness. According to National Crime Records Bureau every day 371 suicides are reported. (Unreported number is 5 times more according to another survey)
Let us return back to our Creator
To solve the deepening morality - crisis we have to implant the correct concept of God and the life hereafter, Day of Judgment, Paradise and Hell in the minds of people, particularly among the younger generations. Only then it will  create in them a sense of seriousness about Him and sense of accountability to one’s deeds. It can only  stop or retard their tendency to commit sins. For example, youth will stop seeing obscene videos if they realize that their Creator is ever watching them.
Dear brothers and sisters,
The life of this world is temporary and nothing but a test. The life after this is eternal and as per deeds in this test our abode will be either Paradise or Hell.  We all, every single one of mankind (past, present and future) will be raised back to life again on Day of Judgment. No one will be able to escape that day. So, let us not waste the chance we have got now!
= “Every soul shall have a taste of death: and only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (Purpose of Life): for the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception.” (Quran 3:185)
Let us start living a life of piety and obedience to our Creator. This will uplift  morality of individuals as well as of the society. By this we can achieve peace in the present world and gain entry into Paradise in the hereafter.
To know more about our Creator’s message to humanity please read the Holy Quran. Please contact us for your copy.

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