Saturday, November 21, 2020

The man who guards India without setting foot on it!

 People here all over the country enjoy singing patriotic songs in different Indian languages ​​just like they do in Tamil. Despite the  difference in religion, color, language and culture, it is only Bharat within the world, that sees unity in that diversity! That is why we are so proud to be born in this land! But who really brought us this pride to India?

-        Are they the ones who enslaved the country under their colonial imperialism and plundered the country's resources?

-        Were the Mughals who set foot on Indian soil with the intention of capturing countries before them?

-        or earlier who came as nomads through the Khyber Pass and spread their religious beliefs among the people and called them upper caste lower caste?

 None of these people are proud of this country. Instead, they entered the country for their own selfish ends. They sowed slavery on us and plundered our wealth and enjoyed it and continue to enjoy it.

They entered the country targeting the country's resources. But it was never their intention to see unity in diversity. Instead, they were fascinated by the selfishness of how to profit through secession. We are still experiencing its ill effects today. These aside, we cannot deny that their entry has brought some benefits to the country. It is not because of them, but because of the Vedas and philosophies that entered this country through them.

The characteristic of seeing unity in difference

While examining how the attribute of seeing unity in diversity came to be in our country, we can clearly see that the Holy Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) were the ones who taught and practiced the doctrine that it teaches through his life and exemplified it all over the world. The Qur'an stands as a force to be reckoned with, even as selfish forces seek to profit by inciting divisions among many people on the basis of caste, language, race, country and town.

Humans! Surely We created you from a male and a female; In order for you to get to know each other. Then We made you into branches and tribes; And whoever of you fears Allah - then indeed, he is most honorable in the sight of Allah. Surely Allah is Knowing, Aware. (Quran 49:13)

(Allah means the only God worthy of worship)

 Thus the Qur'an proclaims the unity of mankind. This is something that no scripture that came to this soil says! This pure scripture proclaims it boldly to save the people of this country at a time when selfish forces were distorting the ancient scriptures and dividing the people into castes and seeking gain.

Brotherhood and Equality

 The doctrine taught by this scripture and the apostle erases the divisive sentiments of race, language, color, caste and tribe among the people who have adopted it. It overrides the fraternal sense that everyone is a member of the same family and eliminates the inequalities that people can artificially teach. Thus establishes human brotherhood and equality. It makes the adherants of Islam standing in rows shoulder to shoulder in prayers in mosques without making room for any discrimination.

Abolition of untouchability

 The country has seen great reformers like Periyar and Ambedkar spend their entire lives for eradicating castes and untouchability. They were only able to create awareness in this regard, but could not end these evils. Whereas Islam frees and protects people from these evils. Islam has carried out this revolution and continues to carry out this revolution in India as well as in other parts of the world. It is to be noted that this great revolution of abolition of untouchablity and caste system is taking place even without the Prophet setting his foot on this country.

 In America and Africa Islam removes the untouchability between whites and blacks and makes them line up  during the five daily prayers, sharing food from the same plate etc. Once a year during the Hajj in Mecca, the center of the world, people of all  races, colors, languages ​​and nationalities of the world join the universal congregation of humanity.

Elimination of superstition and exploitation in the name of God

 As Islam teaches people to worship God directly without any intermediaries and rituals, Islam protects people from superstition and exploitation in the name of God

Sense of self-esteem

 Islam instills in human minds an unshakable faith in the Creator; it makes them pious as well as brave and people of self-esteem.

Sense of responsibility towards society

As Islam teaches that enjoining good and prohibit evil as part of faith and worship, it makes people interested in welfare measures of the society in which they live.

Restoration of Human rights:

We can see that this faith taught by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) not only restores the human rights of the  people who have embraced it but also it has makes its influence upon people beyond this faith. Existence of Islam has forced the upper caste people to realize the rights of lower castes and downtrodden which forces them to give their appropriate rights in education and employment.

 Broad brotherhood

 As a human being, despite many differences of opinion and policy, the Qur'an teaches fellow man to treat his fellow man as his brother. The Quran puts forward the beautiful reformist principle that no matter how evil an enemy is, it is not he who must be resisted, but Satan who has entered into him.

Like these, there are plenty of beautiful traits taught by Islam!

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